Vegan Travel Association

Vegan Travel

Our latest blog posts

Q & A with VTA Board Member – Shova Bhujel

Being born and based in Nepal, I have had the opportunity to explore the rich cultural heritage and breathtaking and diverse landscapes of my home country. I have traveled extensively within Nepal, immersing myself in its natural beauty and diverse culture within the community. Nepal is famous for its mountains and temples, but many people discount the culture and heritage of its inhabitants.

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Q & A with VTA Founder and Board Member – Donna Zeigfinger

There are three things in this world that I absolutely adore: animals, travel, and music. To me, these are not just hobbies, but great passions that have shaped my life in incredible ways. From a young age, I always believed in the transformative power of vacations. They have the ability to rejuvenate both our bodies and minds. As a child, my dreams were as simple as experiencing the beauty of California and going on an exhilarating safari. Little did I know that these dreams would shape my future trajectory.

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Q & A with VTA Founder and Board Member – Jason McGregor

I was born with the desire to travel. Even as a little child, I felt that little twinge of jealousy as my parents headed off on yet another adventure around the world and I was left at home with my grandparents, wondering what and where their travels would take them. One daydreaming of enjoying adventures of my own.

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Q & A with VTA Founder and Board Member – Zac Lovas

I am originally from the USA but have been living my life out of a suitcase for around three decades. My work involves coordinating tours for Vegan Travel Asia by VegVoyages which takes me to different countries, predominantly in Asia. I have been travelling for the past 18 years for tours.

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